About Matter
(i) What is Matter?
(Ans.) Matter which occupies the space, Everything in this Universe even a small particle is called matter. Which have their own shape, size, texture, mass, and volume is called matter.
-State of Matter
There are three types of state of Matter and are Solid State, Liquide State, and Gaseous State
-Characteristics of Matter
There are three characteristics of Matter and are Particles of Matter have space between them, They are continuously moving, and They Attract each other.
-About Solid State
Solid State has a permanent shape and size it cannot change its shape and size like liquid. The particles of solid have small space between them they just vibrate and we cannot feel the vibration. They Attract each other.
-About Liquid State
They have their permanent mass but not permanent volume and shape if it is poured into the glass then the shape of the liquid will change and it will take the shape of the glass. The particle of the liquid has a large space between them.
Gas has not their permanent shape, size, texture, and volume they are compressible. The particle of a gas has a larger space between them and they are continuously moving.
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