The Forest of India
About 22.4% of the land is covered with forest in India and there are 5 types of forest are found in India and are Evergreen forest, Deciduous and Monsoon forest, Dry and thorny forest, Tidal forest, and Mountainous forest.
(1) {i} Evergreen forest:- This type of forest is found where the rain is found 300cm yearly. Ex- Andaman & Nicobar, Eastern and Western Ghats
{ii} This type of forest is also found where rain is found between 200 to 300cm yearly. Ex-West Bengal, and Orrisa and Mahagoni, Rubber and Bamboo are grown in this forest.
(2) Deciduous Monsoon forest:- This type of forest is found where the rain is found between 100 to 200cm yearly. Ex- It is found in Maharastra, Madya Pradesh, and Chottanagpur Plateau. Teak and Sal are grown in this forest.
(3) Dry and Thorny forest:- This type of forest is found where the rain is found less than 50cm yearly. This forest is found in the dry region of the country.
(4) Tidal forest:- This type of forest is found on the banks of the river. The Ganga, the Godavari, the Krishna, and the Mahanadi.
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